Band of Brothers

Today is the 79th anniversary of D-Day. A few years ago, I wrote an article/review on “Band of Brothers” for a friend’s magazine/blog. I’ve decided to post it in honor of that Day of Days, so many years ago.


“From this day to the ending of the world, But we in it shall be remembered We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me; Shall be my brother…” ­– Henry V, William Shakespeare.

Over twenty years ago, the ten-part miniseries, “Band of Brothers,” was released on HBO. Following the story of 101st Airborne, Easy Company, the collaboration between Stephen Spielberg and Tom Hanks introduced us to a group of young paratroopers who embodied the phrase “the greatest generation.” A rare breed, these young men were born in the 1910’s and 1920’s, they survived the Great Depression and were being sent to war. Some were going out into the world for the first time, in hopes of liberating Europe from the Nazis. For me, “Band of Brothers” piqued my interest because my grandfather was in the airborne and he did go through Jump School as shown in the miniseries. A ten-part series offers us enough time to become acquainted with the ensemble cast of characters, based on real-life men. At the beginning at each episode, and at the end of the final episode, the real Easy Company men discuss their experiences and offer thought-provoking reflections. In a short amount of time, you fall in love with these men and care deeply about them, rejoicing when they rejoice and mourn when they mourn.

Richard Winters is a mild-mannered, reserved captain who is eager to do his part and lead his men. When he survives D-Day, he promises God that if he makes it through the war, he will live peacefully. Captain Nixon is a cocky alcoholic, doing his utmost to survive. Later, his wife leaves him, taking the family dog, whom he dearly loves. Malarkey impetuously risks his life to pick a luger off of a dead German, to give to his kid brother, and matures into a man during the course of the war. Compton makes it through many campaigns until he watches his two buddies, Joe Toye and Bill Gaurnere cruelly wounded. He is struck down by combat fatigue…which we now know is PTSD, a condition often misunderstood in that era. George Luz likes to imitate various superiors, and is always good for a laugh. Joe Liebgott is Jewish, he faces antisemitism and is crushed when learns what is really going on in Europe. Ronald Spiers is rumored to have massacred several German prisoners, and takes delight in frightening the other men. Then there is Captain Herbert Sobel, who is needlessly cruel to the men during their training at Camp Toccoa.

We come to know the “Band of Brothers” during basic and watch them transported from America to England, where they prepare for the invasion of Europe. On June 6th, 1944, the Easy Company men, and thousands of others, paratroop out of C-47s and land in France. They fight their way from village to village and town to town, receiving little support, scarce supplies, minimal rest. These are young men, in their teens, twenties, and thirties – living and dying to save the world. And to preserve the world for future generations.

Like many who fought in past wars, Easy Company is enthusiastic, believing the war would be over by Christmas. Unfortunately, at Christmas time, the company was stationed at Bastogne…they were in the middle of the Battle of the Bulge. By the time of Patton’s rescue, which the men insisted was not needed, they were near their breaking point. They began to wonder why they were fighting this war in the first place. Certainly, the Nazis were evil, but was it worth it? The men received their answer later that spring, when they, along with other companies, liberated a concentration camp. For years rumors had circulated of how the Nazis mistreated the Jews and others in their crosshairs, but to see the inhumanity with their own eyes, they were finally able to comprehend their sacrifices.

“Band of Brothers” is not for the faint of heart. Not only does it feature war scenes, we are shown graphic wounds, violence, harsh behavior, the language is extremely foul, and there are gratuitous sex scenes and various men are referenced of having extra-marital affairs. However, with the exception of “Saving Private Ryan,” I have never seen a more realistic and heartfelt depiction of what went on in WWII.

The Easy Company men went on to invading Berchtesgaden, a.k.a. The Eagles Nest – Hitler’s Bavarian retreat. After all of their turmoil, they were able to enjoy themselves a little. In May of 1945, as the men are playing a friendly baseball game, they learn the war in Europe has finally come to an end.

After the war, Nix had a couple of broken marriages and continued to struggle with alcohol – then he met a lovely woman named Grace and he turned his life around. Malarkey returned to Oregon, got a degree in business and became a real estate agent. Compton opted not to pursue a career in minor league baseball, choosing to go to law school, later prosecuting Sirhan Sirhan for the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy. Luz became a maintenance consultant, and when he was later killed in an industrial accident, 1600 people came to his funeral to pay their respects. Despite what was shown in “Band of Brothers, in reality, Liebgott was not Jewish, but Catholic. For a few years after the war, he disappeared, but then resurfaced and became a barber. Spiers fought in the Korean war and then in the 1950s, he was the American governor of Spandau Prison, and guarded Rudolf Hess. Sobel was honorably discharged; he later served in the Korean War, and had a family. In 1970, he unsuccessfully attempted to kill himself, but survived and lived seventeen years longer. Following the war, Winters worked for Nixon’s family business and he also served in Korea…afterwards he did settle down, marry, and have a family… He also found a little peace.

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