News About The Lady Sheriff Series

I have some exciting news! Not one, but TWO Lady Sheriff Series stories sold this week.

“Of Two Minds” sold to Starlite Pulp Review for their Issue #2. This will be my first time collaborating with Starlite. I’m really looking forward to it. ::clappy hands::

“Family Ties” sold to Mystery Magazine. This is my second time working with MM. They published “Night Without End” waaaay back in July 2021 and made it their cover feature. Still can’t get over that.

Just so happy. The Lady Sheriff Series is actually a series now. I mean, before I only had two stories in print. This will make it four! The series, the protagonist, the whole premise is close to my heart.

You may want to read the first two previous stories. You can learn more about them here, or you can check under this tag Lady Sheriff Series if you want to read my ramblings about the whole series.

Will update as I learn more.

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